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Managing Chronic Pain After Orthopedic Surgery


After orthopedic surgery, regaining mobility can seem like an insurmountable task. Chronic pain follows you with every movement, and rehabilitation appears to be a mountain too high to climb. However, with the right treatment plan and the support of a qualified physiotherapist, you can regain control of your body and overcome the pain. In this article, we will discuss the key steps to becoming active and mobile again after orthopedic surgery. With patience and perseverance, you will overcome obstacles one by one and soon regain your independence. Let’s explore physical therapy options that can help you strengthen your body and mind for a complete recovery. The road will be long, but with realistic goals and professional support, full mobility is within your reach.


The Role of Physiotherapy After Orthopedic Surgery

Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing chronic pain and recovering mobility after orthopedic surgery. Your physiotherapist will develop a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs.

First and foremost, light exercises to gradually increase the range of motion in the operated area. Think of gentle rotations of the neck, shoulders, and hips, extensions and flexions of knees and ankles. Perform them as frequently as possible throughout the day.

Next, muscle strengthening. Resistance exercises using elastic bands or light weights help rebuild muscles weakened by surgery and immobilization. Start slowly and increase gradually.

Finally, long-term follow-up. Your physiotherapist will continue to adjust your exercise program as your mobility and strength improve. Continuing exercises at home even after physiotherapy sessions are over is important.

With time and patience, you will regain full mobility. Post-surgical physiotherapy, combined with lifestyle modifications and pain management, can make a significant difference in your recovery. Keep hopeful, stay active, and continue progressing one day at a time.

Rehabilitation Objectives: Regain Mobility and Strengthen Muscles

Rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery aims to regain your mobility and strengthen your muscles. Your physiotherapist will work with you to achieve specific goals tailored to your surgical procedure.

  • Regain range of motion. Gentle stretching and flexing exercises will help you gradually recover full joint mobility.
  • Muscle strengthening. Targeted strength training exercises, often using light weights or resistance bands, will improve muscle strength and endurance. Start slowly and gradually increase intensity.
  • Enhance balance and coordination. Exercises like walking, stair climbing, and bed-to-chair transfers will help you regain confidence in your body’s movements.
  • Learn proper use of brace or cast. Your physiotherapist will show you how to adjust, remove, and put on your brace or cast safely. Following these instructions is important for proper healing.
  • Pain management. Besides painkillers, ice, heat, and rest can alleviate pain. Physiotherapy also aids by stimulating blood circulation and relaxing muscles.

With the right physiotherapy program, you’ll overcome recovery challenges and soon regain your independence! The key is to stay determined and continue exercises even after physiotherapy sessions end.

Utilized Techniques: Exercises, Massages, Electrical Stimulation

Post-surgical physiotherapy typically employs various techniques to help you regain strength and range of motion. Here are some of the methods your physiotherapist might use:


Carefully guided exercises are the foundation of physical therapy. Your physiotherapist will teach you gentle exercises that target your injury and specific needs. These may include:

  • Range of motion exercises: Slowly moving your joints through their full range of motion to maintain flexibility and mobility.
  • Strength training exercises: Using resistance bands or weights to strengthen the muscles around the joint. Start with minimal or no weight and gradually increase.
  • Balance and proprioception exercises: Standing exercises, using balance tools like stability balls, to retrain your body to position and balance itself.


Manual massages help release tense muscles and break down scar tissue. Your physiotherapist may use deep tissue massage around the surgical site and joint to relieve pain and improve mobility. Massage also helps relax muscles, making exercises more effective.

Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation uses small electrical impulses to stimulate muscles and nerves. It can help reduce pain, relax muscles, and facilitate muscle activation during exercise. Some common methods include:

  • TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation): Uses electrodes placed on the skin to deliver electrical stimulation that interferes with pain signals.
  • NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation): Stimulates motor nerves to activate muscles. Used when voluntary muscle activation is challenging. Helps prevent muscle atrophy.
  • IFT (interferential current therapy): Uses medium-frequency stimulation to increase blood flow and relax soft tissues. Penetration is deeper than TENS.

A combination of these techniques, tailored to your needs, will put you on the path to healing. Be patient and adhere to the program set by your physiotherapist. Consistency and commitment are key.

Duration and Intensity of Physiotherapy Sessions

After orthopedic surgery, physiotherapy plays a significant role in your recovery and return to mobility. The duration and intensity of your physiotherapy sessions depend on the type of surgery you underwent and your healing progress.

In general, you’ll start physiotherapy a few days after the surgery. Initially, the focus is on pain and swelling control. Your therapist will teach you exercises to do at home, such as ankle pumps, quadriceps sets, and buttock contractions. These gentle movements promote blood circulation, aiding healing and preventing dangerous blood clots.

As your pain subsides, therapy sessions become more intense, focusing on restoring strength and range of motion. Your therapist will assess your progress and introduce new challenges to overcome each week. For knee or hip replacements, the goal might be to walk longer distances or climb stairs. After shoulder surgery, therapy aims to restore movement and strength for daily activities like brushing hair and getting dressed.

The number of sessions varies but generally lasts for 2 to 3 months. Most people attend therapy two to three times a week, then taper to once a week or every two weeks. Don’t be surprised if therapy leaves you with some soreness – it means your muscles are working hard. But you should experience steady progress in what you can do from week to week. Home exercises are also key to successful healing, so perform them diligently every day.

The path to healing isn’t always easy, but physiotherapy helps get you back on your feet and doing the things you love. By staying engaged in the process, you’ll feel stronger, more flexible, and more mobile in no time. If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your therapist. They’re there to support you at every step of your rehabilitation.

Why Continuing Home Exercises is Important

Continuing to exercise at home after physiotherapy is essential for maintaining and improving your mobility and range of motion. Your physiotherapist has given you personalized exercises to strengthen your muscles and train your body, but the work doesn’t stop there. Consistency is key.

Stick to a routine

Set aside time each day to perform the prescribed exercises. Even 15 to 30 minutes a day, three times a week, can make a significant difference. Try to do them at the same time each day to form a habit. If needed, set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself. The more you do them, the less you’ll need the reminder!

Start gently and progress

Don’t overdo it, especially when you’re starting out. You can easily injure yourself again or cause unnecessary pain by pushing too hard. Follow your physiotherapist’s advice on how many repetitions you should do and what weight you should use. Then, gradually increase the difficulty as your strength and mobility improve. It’s better to be cautious and take it slow.

Track Your Progress

Use a journal, calendar, or app to record details of your exercises, such as the weights used, the number of repetitions, range of motion, etc. This helps you stay accountable and allows you to see how much progress you’ve made. Share updates with your physiotherapist so they can adjust your routine if needed to keep challenging you.

Seek Help If Needed

Don’t hesitate to contact your physiotherapist if you have questions, concerns, or experience increased pain. They can assess whether your home exercise program needs adjustments or if additional therapy sessions would be beneficial. Your mobility and recovery are the result of teamwork.

By following a regular exercise program, starting slowly, tracking your progress, and seeking help when necessary, you’ll make the most of your physiotherapy treatment. Keep up the good work and stay committed – your body will thank you!


So, as you can see, rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery can truly work wonders. Of course, it won’t be easy at the beginning, especially if you’re used to being active. However, with time and patience, you’ll regain your mobility and independence. Focus on small victories, celebrate progress, and maintain a positive attitude. Before you know it, you’ll be accomplishing things you thought were impossible just a few weeks ago. So keep up the good work with your physiotherapist, do your exercises at home, and remember to give your body the rest it needs to heal. With determination and a fighting spirit, you’ll overcome this challenge and soon regain your health. Courage!


Read also:

When to See an Orthopedic Surgeon?
What Is an Orthopedic Clinic?
Private Orthopedic Surgery in Quebec: Is It the Best Choice?
Types of Orthopedic Surgeries
Choosing your orthopedic surgeon
What to Do Before Orthopedic Surgery?
What to Do After Orthopedic Surgery?

Dr. Benoit is an assistant professor of surgery at the Université de Montréal and practices at the CIUSSS Nord-de-l’île de Montréal. He completed his medical degree at Université Laval in Quebec City in 2001 and did his orthopedic residency at the Université de Montreal, where he was on the Dean’s honour list. Following his residency, he completed two additional years of fellowship training; the first year in Geneva, Switzerland and the second year in Ottawa, Canada.

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